Thursday, March 25, 2010


It's gotten warmer outside, so we can finally run again (!!!), however a cold front blew in and today was the first really "cold" day in a the running wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been. But it sure as heck beat rowing!

The WOD today was a benchmark girl: Nicole.

AMRAP 20 minutes -
400m Run
Max pull-ups

This workout is scored on how many pull-ups you can get total. I knew my numbers weren't going to be huge, since I just started kipping, but I still wanted to do them all without a band. My numbers broke down like so:

8 / 7 / 7 / 3 / 1 / FAIL = 26 total

Yeah, what happened in that 4th round, you might ask? Well...I got a little off-kilter in my kipping and actually kipped and flung myself OFF of the bar. In the process, I managed rip a sizeable chunk out of my skin and bled TERRIBLY. Funny thing is, it probably wouldn't have hurt if I just hadn't seen all the blood (funny thing about the brain and pain, but that's a biopsychology lesson for another day and another blog!). I ran outside and I usually "cup" my hands so that I don't get in the habit of having "T-Rex" arms while running (I read in a running magazine once that you should imagine holding a potato chip in each hand and try not to crush it). Bad move.

When I came back inside to do the pull-ups, the blood had dried around my rip and in the cupped hand position so that I couldn't open my hand up without screaming in pain! I managed to get it open enough to do the ONE fingertip pull-up before having to drop off the bar (and crying maybe a little). I still had 4 minutes on the clock and since I clearly wasn't going to get a ton more working out in because of the pull-ups, I decided to exert myself on the run. And I ran FAST. Came back inside with a little over 2 minutes left and tried for one more fingertip pull-up. Got about halfway and then just called it a day.

I came to the 4:30 class today, in hopes of getting home early and maybe knocking some work out. But things never go the way we plan: Tyler was actually super sick, so he let me lead the 4:30 class warm-up (I resorted to a CF Central style warm-up), then I decided to stick around and help out/get some coaching practice for the 5:30 and 6:30 PM classes. Tyler and I discussed that I need to work more on "commanding a room," because I tell people to do something and they just don't do it (like counting when you stand up during squats). Apparently I need to be a little more of an asshole. I told Tyler tough titty on me becoming an asshole - I've got too much sweet Southern charm for that :)

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