Thursday, March 4, 2010

Push Yourself!

Yes, I know I fell off the blogging bandwagon for a bit again. I'm trying to get back on track, but this project at school is finally taking off and I've been super swamped directing my 18 research assistants around. Whoever said managing and delegating tasks made life easier obviously wasn't a Type A neurotic nutjob like yours truly. Anyway...on to today's WOD!

It's slowly getting warmer outside (above freezing!!! HOORAY!!!) and I'm thankful for this change because it means eventually we'll stop having to row. But for now, the WODs still all include rowing instead of running.

For time:
400m Row, then
Barbell lunge (135# / 95#)
Wall ball shots (20# / 10#)
400m Row

So I did 65# on the lunges, which were racked on the back. I was glad for that because when I first looked at the workout online, I thought Tyler might have us hold it overhead. My shoulders are still killing me from some snatch and overhead squat warm-ups we did on Tuesday. The wall balls I'm still pretty good at, even though Tyler makes us ALL shoot to the 10 ft mark, even us shorties! Something about "upholding the standards." I uphold the standards - I don't count reps that miss the mark, but that means doing a lot more reps. Gotta get better with my accuracy.

The lunges were really tough, and then the last row was the worst. I finished in 11:14. I was really disappointed in myself because at about 300m, I stopped rowing because my legs were so tired. BIG MISTAKE. Who stops when they only have 100m left? It totally ate up time and then it took me THAT much longer to get back up and started again. Next time, I need to push myself a harder, but I just wasn't feeling the intensity tonight for some reason.

UPDATE: I am officially signed up for my Level 1 Certification in St. Paul (scholarship spot!!!) and my Kids Certification in Ramona, CA! I'll be all done on April 25, when I start coaching kids classes at Crossfit St. Paul. It's an exciting time to get more involved in the Crossfit community!

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