Wednesday, May 26, 2010

PUMP you up!

I wish there were some way I could inflect the Arnold into that blog title, but I didn't know how to do it without completely misspelling words and confusing people. Tonight I went to BodyPUMP at the YWCA with my good colleague Rachel J. Burns, which marks the last of my trial workouts with my friends at school.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Heat Wave

There was a record high set today in Minnesota, breaking the old 1875 88'F temperature by 7 degrees...that's right, 95'F in the frozen tundra today! "Perfect" weather for a good 5 round run!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Paleo Challenge Results - Part Two

During open gym today, I went to complete my Crossfit Total for my second goal in my paleo challenge. I wanted to best my previous Crossfit Total of 395 and try to reach 450. It pains me to say that I did not meet this goal, but I'm still proud of my accomplishments in just 4 months.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Paleo Challenge Results - Part One

I'm happy to report the first of my results for the paleo challenge I set for myself back in April. I suppose technically this is the second set of results, since I didn't exactly "pass" my 400m running test Tuesday, but I plan on having a rematch with a track this weekend.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yoga and Balsamic Vinegar OVERLOAD

Today's theme is taking some basic stuff and putting them in overdrive - my yoga class trial and a recipe!

Two A Days

In preparation for my upcoming body fat assessment tomorrow (eek!), I'm doing two-a-days....just kidding. Well, at least about the preparation part, I actually DID a two-a-day yesterday, trying out Maryhope's yoga studio as well as doing a Crossfit WOD.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Karen and Ice Cream!!!!!

Lots of exciting stuff happening now that it's officially summer! My performance today at CF was less than stellar, but my performance in the kitchen more than made up for it - I made delicious, almost paleo, homemade ice cream!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday Team WOD

We continue to do team workouts on Saturdays at the gym, and I went to the 8 AM workout today and was surprised to see so many people! There were 11 people in all, a pretty size-able class for an early weekend workout.

Open to Possibilities

The theme of today's post is going to be the theme of my yoga workout today, and mainly just my new outlook on this "season" of my life...since it's summer and all, and I have to figure out what I'm going to do with my "free time" that is still research-related. So, theme of the day (TOD): "open to possibilities."

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Deadlift PR!

I'm sticking with the "constantly varied," although I'm sticking to Crossfit today...just at 6 AM instead of my regular evening class! Talk about getting outside my "workout comfort zone!"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Belated WOD Post...

Sorry I've been a little MIA lately, and unfortunately, this post will have to be on the shorter side. Graduate finals are such a time suck! But...everyone can use a study break now and then :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Three for One

I have a theme for this post today, and I wasn't even trying! It's all about getting three for the price/effort of one.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Off Day?

Crossfit today just felt a little off. I haven't been since the Saturday Murph Challenge, partly because this last week of school has been super hectic. I've also been carbing it up more than usual lately I think...probably because I'm nearing the end of my paleo challenge and the lustre of the first few weeks of the challenge has worn off. Must self-control!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Variety is the spice of life!

Recently, a colleague of mine in the psychology department sent out a mass email to all the ladies about adding some variety to our workouts. We all do different things - from running to yoga to cardio dance to CROSSFIT! - that we decided to try each others' workouts out these last few weeks before summer. There's been a big email chain going around and no one was really committing to anything, but I decided to just go out there and try one, be adventurous and all. Today was Susanne's Tri-team running meeting!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

New PR + Murph Challenge + Cookout = FUN TIMES!

Despite the crazy windy weather and threat of rain, today turned out to be a PHENOMENAL day at CFSP. I arrived early for the kids class, complete with my new CFKids T-shirt that arrived from headquarters last night, but no kids showed up. No worries, I have some paleo challenge benchmarks to meet!