Saturday, May 1, 2010

New PR + Murph Challenge + Cookout = FUN TIMES!

Despite the crazy windy weather and threat of rain, today turned out to be a PHENOMENAL day at CFSP. I arrived early for the kids class, complete with my new CFKids T-shirt that arrived from headquarters last night, but no kids showed up. No worries, I have some paleo challenge benchmarks to meet!

One of my goals for my personal paleo challenge is to reach a new CF Total number, which includes getting a 70# strict press. Rough. My old max from February was 60#, and when I told Tyler my goal, he was a little skeptical of me making that big of a weight jump in just a few short months. HOWEVER, I did get a new PR of 63# at the beginning of April, and today just messing around during the 9 AM open gym, I went up a little more. Slowly but surely!

It was just me and Mike this morning, and I was just casually working on my strict press. I did a few warm-up rounds with the 33# BB, then started doing 3x5 at 53#. I didn't really have a set rep scheme going, I just wanted to get better at the strict press. I then did 3 reps at 58# and 3 more reps at 63#...what??? New 3 rep max? I bumped it up to 68#, but failed on one rep, so I got the 45# BB out and tried for 65#. I did 2x1, and I'm VERY happy about it!

Then it was 10 AM, and people started filing in for the open house community workout. We had two newbies, and I practiced my cheerleading and motivational coaching on their Murph challenge. Then, it was time for OUR Murph Challenge. There were a lot of people, which was nice when we all started the first mile out the door.

"Murph" for time:
1 mile run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile run

YIKES! I didn't think I could pull this one off in less than an hour, but I set a cap for myself at 50 minutes. And off we went on our first mile. The last time I ran a mile - in 8th grade for the presidential fitness test - I think I did it in about 9:12. Today, after not having run a mile in a looooooooong while, I did 8:57 - improvement maybe? I know that's pretty slow by most standards, but I'm not a runner people!

Mike suggested partitioning the reps like Cindy: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats, and just doing 20 rounds of that. Seemed like a good strategy, so I tried it. I've been having lots of issues with my kipping lately, but I wanted to do all the pull-ups RXd. The only thing I didn't do RXd was the push-ups (from my knees). The body weight stuff totally killed right around round 12 for me, and it was tough to keep going. Like I talked with some guys after the WOD, it wasn't a matter of endurance - I wasn't breathing too heavily or anything - it was just a matter of my little muscles not wanting to give anymore! The 2nd run was AWFUL because my legs were tired, and I could barely get my arms pumping to help me with gaining momentum. Yeesh. I finished in 51:09...not quite under my cap, but at least less than an hour.

After the brutal WOD, we had a little BBQ cookout on the "patio" and had a lot of fruit, since that's what most people brought. I brought guacamole :) It was great to hang out with some really great folks and relax after a good morning.

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