Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday Team WOD

We continue to do team workouts on Saturdays at the gym, and I went to the 8 AM workout today and was surprised to see so many people! There were 11 people in all, a pretty size-able class for an early weekend workout.

We did the workout in teams of 4, and I paired up with 3 other ladies who wanted to do it RX'd.

5 rounds:
28 Back squats (135# / 95#)
400m Run
(while waiting for your turn at the back squat, do 5 air squats)
**Cannot start the backsquats until all teammates are back from the run; the bar may not touch the rack or the ground when switching squatters**

We split up the squats equally and did 7 each each round. I practiced my low-bar back squat position, which actually felt pretty good by round 3 when I was warmed up. The first two rounds my legs still felt really tight from all the yoga (haha). Our team finished in 22:30 and I was surprisingly sweaty by the end of it - I guess 35 95# back squats will get you!

After class, Tyler led a muscle-up skills class since he just got back from the gymnastics certification last weekend (by the way, I'm TOTALLY going to the next one that's held in Texas or the Midwest - it sounds totally awesome). I did pretty well and got pretty far in the progressions, although i need to get a ring dip first to really start doing them. I was able to go from my knees into the muscle-up with just a little assist and spotting on the ring dip portion.

I also got to play around a bit with the handstand push-up modifications with the band. Essentially, you loop a band around the pull-up bar and then pull another band through the loop to make a kind of harness. Then you slip your arms in and have someone spot you into the handstand. It's tough because you're not up against the wall, so it's really easy to arch your back and be in the incorrect form...but it feels really different from doing HSPU with an AbMat and I mean different in a good way. I can tell the range of motion is deeper and better with the band assist.

After all the skill work, I still wanted to work on my strict press for the paleo challenge. I probably should have left it alone because 1) I ate like crap last night at our lab party, so there was no way my performance was going to be superb, and 2) I worked out twice on Friday and sort of twice today (team WOD and skills training). I didn't make any gains, in fact I went down in my PR:

53 / 63 / 63 / 68 / 63

Yeah, my old PR was 68# and I couldn't get it above my forehead today. I could also tell my back was arching a lot (what's up with that today??) and that I wasn't fully keeping my core locked and steady. I'll be fixing all that this week as I weigh in for the paleo challenge!

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