Saturday, May 8, 2010

Three for One

I have a theme for this post today, and I wasn't even trying! It's all about getting three for the price/effort of one.
First, let's start off with Crossfit this morning. This month's "challenge WOD" is max air squats in 2 minutes. Being that I'm short and don't have much distance to cover, I'm at an advantage for this one. There were no kids for the kids class at 9 AM, so I got some open gym time to do a test run on the challenge. Right now, my only competition was Diana, an Olympic speed skating hopeful (i.e., she's tough sh*t) and her max was 101 squats. Pretty tough to beat! I managed 107 squats this time around, but I took a lot of rest breaks. I'm hoping more people challenge themselves so that I have more fire under my pants to maybe break 115.

Then, it was off to do some strength work. Today I wanted to practice either deadlifts or back squats for my paleo challenge goal of getting new CF Total maxes. As I had already done 107 squats, I defaulted to doing deadlifts, even though we had just done some on Thursday. I went for 5x3 rep maxes:

153 / 163 / 173 / 178 / 183

Booyah. Just FYI, my old 1 rep max from late February was 185#. Bring it on deadlifts!

It was almost 10 AM by this point, and some people were going to come in for the free open house workout. I piddled around doing some handstand push-ups, still with the AbMat until they showed up to do "Cindy" for their intro workout. Only 3 people came, and since it might be a little intimidating to have 2 coaches for just 3 people, Mike suggested I "raise moral" by doing the workout with them. No way was I going to do more squats, so I subbed in sit-ups....rough! I managed 11 rounds "RXd" if you count doing sit-ups instead of squats :)

So there you have it! Three workouts for just one visit to CFSP! On my way home, I picked up a few things at the Co-op so I could cook some of my veggies before they went bad. I'm really bad at storing them and I can already tell the leaves on some of them are wilting. I gotta get cooking this weekend! My CSA (community sustained agriculture) that I joined fortunately prints a newsletter with every box delivery, so I had some idea of what I was going to make with my new veggies. One recipe even had three of the veggies in one dish - even better! I modified it a bit to get some more protein, but this is pretty much what the newsletter dished out.

Ramp Frittata
6 eggs
2 Tb Parmesan cheese (I got raw milk!), grated
Salt + Pepper
2 links lamb sausage, removed from casing (my idea :) )
1 bunch of ramps, separate bulbs and leaves, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 cup chopped asparagus
1/2 bunch French breakfast radishes, sliced

First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Mix the eggs, cheese, salt and pepper in a bowl. In a 12-inch oven-safe skillet over medium-high heat, cook the sausage (ground it up in the pan). Lamb is a bit fattier than I expected, so I had to drain some of the fat off, but I left some in there so I could saute the ramp bulbs and asparagus for about 2-3 minutes. Then I threw in the ramp leaves and sauteed some more for 1-2 minutes, until the leaves wilted. Reduce heat to low and pour the egg mixture on top. Give it a slight stir to spread it around, then pop it in the over for 15-20 minutes, until the eggs are set.

Remove from pan, top with sliced radishes and enjoy!

Ramps and radishes!

Letting the eggs settle and cook


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