Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Double Duty

This is going to have to be a sweet and short post, even though I have so many great things to talk about Crossfit tonight! Alas, my commitments at the gym have put me behind in my school work, and I'm going to have to get up bright and early tomorrow to finish a few things...blech!

So first things first, let's talk about the WOD. We did a new and interesting, dare I say innovative, rep scheme that I actually really liked:

For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlifts (225# / 185#)
Ring dips
*rest one minute*
12 - 9 - 6
Ring dips

I only put on 103# since that's 72 reps total you're seeing up there! Sheesh, that's a lot! I finished the first set in 4:05 and finishing total in 8:19, using the blue band strapped across the rings and putting my knee in that for the ring dips. I prefer this method to putting my feet on a box in front of me because the weight is distributed more like it would be in a regular ring dip (i.e., directly below you). Whether this is harder or easier, better or worse, I don't know. I just feel like I'm working harder on keeping my core together when I do the dips with the band.

I could feel myself getting tired on the deadlifts by the first round of 9 reps. I actually did 8 deadlifts, then paused before doing the last one. I hate that. Just suck it up and do the last rep! I ended up doing that (resting right before the last rep) for the rest of the sets - what the heck is up with that?

Most everyone in class finished this WOD in less than 15 minutes, so it made it conducive to working out in heats. I liked working out in heats because 1) it allows for a smaller coach:student ratio (we had 10 people total, broken down into a heat of 6 and then of 4), and 2) I got to be someone else's cheerleader and assistant coach! That was probably the coolest part of all.

I cheered on/worked with two ladies who are relatively new to Crossfit, but they are both really hard workers and have jumped right into the "lifestyle" (can't think of a better word to call it - mentality? philosophy?). I gave out pointers during the first heat's workout, then did my workout with my heat, and was so thrilled to see that one of the ladies I gave some pointers to wanted to practice her deadlift form even after it was all said and done. We got the training plates out so the weight would be light and slowly walked through the different things to think about when executing the deadlift. I realized I know more than I initially thought, it's all just about my confidence in myself to communicate it clearly to someone else.

Tyler had a consult with FOUR (!!!) people after the class, and I stayed on to listen, learn more, and help people feel comfortable in their introductory workout. I think this coaching thing is really just going to come with exposure and practice, stuff that doesn't come with a certification. I'm glad I'm getting this time in now to work with people and semi-coach them, so that I can be prepared with questions if and when this certification actually happens in April.

And in food-related news, I'm still eating those meatloaf muffins because they're just so quick and easy to grab 'n go eat. And strangely enough, I'm not getting sick of them, even though it's the only thing I've eaten for the past 4 lunches and dinners...hmmmmmmm. Can't wait for this crazy busy week to be over so I can get back to experimenting with food and getting some more creative food in me!

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