Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another year, another WOD...and another kipping pull-up!

Today is my birthday! You might recall that back in October, Tyler made us do some "homework" and write down our five goals for the year. Naturally, my first goal was to do a kipping pull-up by my birthday, and while I may have sort of accomplished that goal back in December, no one really saw it and I couldn't repeat the event. Well, I woke up this morning thinking "Oh crap! I have to do a kipping pull-up today or else!" Nothing like turning another year older to motivate you!

Ok, so I got to the box today and the WOD was explained to us, we did bear complex as a warm-up (deadlift, hang power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press) and then while we were hanging around before getting started, I jumped on that pull-up bar to test the waters. Swing, swing, swing...and up I went! It was pretty easy too, and I had my chin well above the bar while I started screaming for everyone to look. I held it for a good 3 seconds up there, and that was with this huge cracked blister on my hand too (yeah, that's a downside to blisters in the winter - they crack open and hurt even more!).  So yay! Kipping pull-up accomplished!

Today's WOD was "Jackie" - a toughie!

For time:
1000m row
50 Thrusters (45# / ???)
30 Pull-ups

So I did 33# thrusters because men's RX was 45# and I didn't know how that translated to women's RX, but we don't have anything lighter than 33#. The pull-ups were done with the light green band, since we had quite a few reps to complete. I finished in 11:03...sort of. I technically finished in 10:46, but Tyler didn't like my last pull-up and complained that my chin wasn't *quite* above the bar. So, I hopped down from my box and hopped right back up there just to do one pull-up - sad that it took me about 20 seconds to take care of all that.

If we look at how the workout was split up, the row is what probably took me the longest and tired me out the most. I finished the row in 4:30ish, split at 2:12 for my 500m portion. I started at a pretty good pace, about 36m/s, but quickly gassed out and dropped down to 25m/s by about meter 250. Yikes! Rowing has been really tiring on my legs and we've been doing a lot of it lately since we can't run. I honestly will be embracing the 400m once the snow melts! Never thought I'd be saying that.

Thrusters were not a problem for me in this workout, I was able to quickly knock them out. The pull-ups I broke up into sets of about 6-8 at a time, which worked out pretty well. Mainly, I had to just jump down every now and then because my hands were slipping, not necessarily because I was tired, so that's a good improvement. Overall, I greatly enjoyed this WOD and am looking forward to doing it again!

I was going to fast today, since I knew I'd be going out for a gluttonous birthday dinner with gal pals. HOWEVER, my mother sent me a birthday package filled with beef jerky and my favorite nuts - the pistachio. So, I ended up snacking on waaaaaaaaaaay too much jerky, pistachios, and chocolate. Then my roommate made "puppy chow" (rice chex, chocolate, peanut butter, powdered sugar), which left me in a sugar coma until we left for dinner. I also ate too much there - lamb meatballs, bleu cheese burger, bread pudding, and a kahlua coffee drink at Joe's Garage. My stomach is seriously about to burst from all the junk that's in there. I'd like to fast tomorrow, but we're hosting a Superbowl party with even more junk food! Some serious cleansing and recalibrating is going to have to happen later this week!

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