Thursday, December 3, 2009

Early Morning Kale Adventure - AND FIRST KIPPING PULLUP!

Last night I was too tired after a 12-hour day and TA-ing that I just came home and slept. I had been meaning to cook some kale that I got at the grocery store earlier this week because I've been wanting to try new and different foods. Plus, I feel like I'm not getting enough green veggies in my diet. Here's how it turned out.
Steph's Kale Recipe, adapted from multiple sources:
1/2 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 bunch kale
1/2 c chicken stock
bacon fat or olive oil
salt, pepper

I woke up extra early to make eggs and bacon for breakfast, so I could use the bacon fat to saute the onions and garlic. I'm sure olive oil would have worked well too (roughly 1/2 Tbsp). I sauteed the onions and garlic until soft, about 5-6 minutes.

Prepping the kale was actually really easy - I just washed the leaves and then ripped them from the stems (because I'd heard the stems are kind of bitter), but I bet I could have just left the stems and been fine. So I threw in the ripped up kale to the onion and garlic and poured a little chicken stock over the whole mixture.

I cooked it COVERED for about 14 minutes. When I took the lid off, there was still a some chicken stock left, so I cooked it UNCOVERED for another 2-3 minutes to get rid of the liquid. Next time, I think I'll just use less chicken stock. Anyway, finished product:

Pretty good for lunch with some chicken! I'm pretty convinced that eating kale is what contributed to my stellar performance at Crossfit tonight:

Six rounds: with a continuously running clock, do max reps of hang squat cleans (RX-women = 65#) for a minute; rest exactly one minute

I bumped the weight down to 53# because I'm working more on form right now and my total score was 77 for the six rounds. A little high, so I probably should have tried for time!

After the WOD, we kind of farted around a bit working on gymnastics skills and such. While some of the guys were working on handstands, I gave the kipping pull-up another shot - AND GOT ONE! I had my chin above the bar and started screaming, but when everyone turned to look, I dropped. Only Kalen saw it. Then we tried to take a photo of my momentous occasion and I must have gotten performance anxiety or something because I fell short of the bar three times. But it's getting there!

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