Monday, December 28, 2009

Baby it's cold outside!

Vacationing in Austin does not mean a vacation from Crossfit, even if it is a little chilly for Austin! Since Crossfit Central is closed for the holidays until January 4, we headed to the middle school track and field across the street to do our own WOD, handcrafted by Ryon.

Here's what he came up with for me, Sam, Chris, and Alex.

For time:
25-20-15-10-5 reps of -
Goblet squats
Butterfly sit-ups
[400m run after each round]

The runs were the worst! I honestly think we ran more than 400 meters on each pass, but Ryon and Sam assured me that it was a standard 400m track. Bollocks.

I finished in 21:45, a little slow probably because my feet got really cold and it hurt a little to run. But I won't bore you with excuses here.

Our warm-up was great too, and I plan on remembering what Ryon talked about so that I can bring it back to my training in Minneapolis. He told us about CNS activation and how a lot of power for weight lifting comes from your brain signaling to your body to fire more motor neurons. As someone who's really interested in biology and brain behavior, I naturally latched onto this idea. It just makes intuitive sense. So, our warm-up consisted of also warming ourselves up mentally by practicing explosive movements. We did tuck-jumps, ballistic push-ups, and two quick springs as fast as possible. I also threw in a few "Rockettes" (high knee - high kick) to bring a little Minneapolis flava to my warm-up :).


  1. im pretty sure crossfit cedar park is free all week! come and join us esp on sat morning!

  2. What time on Saturday? I'll definitely try to be there as long as it's not a ridiculously early hour!
