Friday, December 4, 2009

No "I" in TEAM

Today we did a team WOD that I was totally not prepared for - at least not in the physical "keep warm" sense of being prepared.

Although initially planning to go to Crossfit today, I had a meeting run long on campus, so I didn't think I would have time to make it home, change, and get to the gym. "Luckily," Tyler and Amanda thought it was too good of a workout to miss, so they came to pick me up from school and drive me straight over to the gym.

No clothes, no shoes, no servi - oh no wait, I still had to do the WOD:

In teams of 4, move -
3 KBs
(2) 10# plates
(2) 25# plates
(2) 45# plates
2 boxes
(1) 20# medball
(1) 10# medball
(2) 45# BB
(1) 33# BB
Moving only 2 items per person at a time, run the equipment out to the 400m mark. Then run and move all the stuff back inside. After moving stuff, do 8x(box jumps, KB swings, pull-ups, wall ball, and floor to OH lifts).

Mind you, I did this entire workout in Matt Nelson's 3-sizes-too-large sweatpants, a large sweatshirt, and Tyler's weird tennis shoes that could sort of be tightened to fit. Ok, whine session over.

The purpose of the workout was to illustrate how Crossfit can train you to do functional movements, which I learned. But even more so, I realized what a great atmosphere the whole place exudes. My team - Ginger, Jason, and Matt - really helped each other out, cheered each other on, and watched out for each other the whole time. It was a great feeling. It soon became easy for me to forget that I looked like a total clown and just get through the workout with (and for) my teammates. Like the old adage goes, there's no "I" in "team."


  1. Will "Bubbles the Clown" be making any appearances in Austin?

  2. I like team workouts. We did one a couple of Saturdays ago, and I was recovering from a stomach bug. I felt like I was letting my team down on the pull-ups but I totally saved us when it came to the thrusters. We had to do 225 of each - divided anyway. I find more and more and more that the atmosphere of ANY CrossFit is an amazing and uplifting place. If I ever meet a douche bag in my box I'll knock him out! :)

  3. @Bryan - YES! I'll be home in January, avoiding the frigid MN winters!

    @Victoria - I totally feel you on the team WODs. Since I was running in the baggy clothes, it was hard for me maneuver all the plates and boxes and "run" them 400m outside. I felt like I was letting my team down too and we were totally behind for the first part of the workout. But my teammates were so team-oriented that when they saw me struggling, they would double-back to help me out. I repaid them by pulling us ahead with the floor-to-overhead lifts. No douche bags allowed!
