Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Burpees Noooooooo!!!!

At the gym, we always say "Yeahhhhhhhhh Burpees!!!!" Well, I'm not so enthusiastic about the movement. Especially when they're part of the WOD and not just the warm-up.
We had a really small 6 PM class, owing to the upcoming holiday. But here it was:

Eight rounds for time:
50 Mountain climbers
8 burpees

Yes. You read right. That would be EIGHT rounds. Oh, and "only" eight burpees. Yeesh. The mountain climbers had to be "full range of motion," which meant that we had to get our feet from touching the back piece of tape to a piece of tape by our hands. By the middle of the first round, I was completely wiped. Not cardiovascularly so much as my calves and quads started burning. Burpees didn't make it any better.

I took a lot of breaks I feel, but still finished in 16:19. Not too shabby, but nothing to write home about either.

The warm-up was really great. I always like stringing together movements and I think it says something about the functionality of Crossfit movements. Maybe I need to get something overhead - what's the process? Easy: deadlift, clean, push press or jerk, depending on how heavy the object is.

Warm-up was 4 rounds of 4 reps of the following movements strung together:
Hang power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat

Good times. Still gotta work on my cleans though. Apparently I "rainbow" a lot, which means I propel the bar outwards instead of directly up my body in a straight trajectory. I blame it on my big boobs. Ha.

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