Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ring dips (and smiling) are my favorites!

Great WOD today, mainly because they included a movement we don't really do too often, but that really "kill" when you do 'em: ring dips. Woof.

I was excited to get to Crossfit tonight since it's been a tough day at school and things are only getting more stressful. It's nice to have an outlet for physical activity, even if it's snowing outside.

For time:
21-15-9 reps of 225# Deadlifts and ring dips

Deadlifts are also my favorite since they feel so powerful and really use my leg muscles. Thanks to 15 years of dance training, I've got some sick quads. My time on the WOD was 5:45 with 115# and assisted ring dips. I'm guessing women's RX for this WOD would have been 155#, given that 225# is about 54% bodyweight of the "average male Crossfitter" (according to the main site).

As I was putting the weight on today, I cut my pinkie finger on a splinter or something, which was not a great way to start a workout. Bleeding. Ugh. Another issue I had tonight was with these callouses on my palms that are getting pushed around by having to hold the bar. My left hand is especially bad. Since the cold weather hit, my skin has been getting really dry, so I moisturize daily, which is not the best way to build tough Crossfit hands. My grip on the bar (and subsequently, my deadlift) got better when I switched to an alternate grip (left palm facing away, right palm facing towards me).

I still wasted a lot of time, though, trying to figure out the grip, looking at my bleeding pinkie, etc. Again, issues with dialing in and getting focused on the workout. This WOD easily could have been done sub-5:00 minute. Next time.

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