Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holiday WOD, Part I

While in Austin, I'm partaking of Crossfit Central's free holiday workouts until their classes resume January 4th. Tonight was my first time back in the gym since I left in August for Minneapolis, and it was great to see some familiar faces!

We started with the standard CC warm-up, minus the run since it was wet and cold outside (thank goodness!). Then we moved onto the WOD in teams of four.

AMRAP in 12 minutes:
Dumbell thrusters (women's RX = 20#)
20" Box jumps
Walking lunge

Each team had one team member at each movement (station). The walking lunge was the "pace setter" and one team member had to do the lunges from the blacktop to the sidewalk and back before going to the team member at the DB thrusters. While the first team member did the lunges, everyone else cranked out as many of the movement at the station as possible. You kept a running total of the reps at each station, which actually proved to be the hardest part because working out hardcore and counting don't really mix :).

Our team managed 648 reps total. Wooty, we came in 2nd place! I will say that we used the green band for pull-ups and 15# DB, so it wasn't RX'd, but still something to be proud of.

After the WOD, I ate the most amazing steak leftover from Ryon's adventures in sous vide last night! For those of you new to the sous vide method of cooking, it basically is vacuum sealing the meat and then cooking it in hot water, then searing it on a grill. Mmmmmmm is all I can say. I'm usually not a big fan of leftover meat because I like to reheat it in the microwave and it always manages to get tough and too chewy, but this steak was PERFECT reheated! Served with a side of asparagus, my favorite veggie, and it was a wonderful post-workout meal.

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