Friday, December 11, 2009

Strength Day

Rough day today at Crossfit, not necessarily because of the WOD, but because of these gosh darn calloused over blisters on my hands that just won't pop!

Today's WOD did not have a time component, just five rounds of the following:

3 Sumo deadlift high pulls
15 knees to elbows

We had to increase the weight on the SDLHPs each round, typically by 5 or 10#. I started out with 65#, probably a little ambitious if I had wanted to increase by 10# each time. As it turned out, my rep scheme ended with:

65 - 75 - 80 - 85 - 90

And 90# was TOUGH! I couldn't really get the bar up as high as it should have been and I need to work on using my legs more to "pop" the bar into the pocket and use momentum to drive the bar up. Knees to elbows were awesome! I remember the first time I did these at Crossfit Central back in July and I was swinging all over the place, barely able to touch my knees and elbows together. Not anymore! The only thing holding me back from ripping through the KTEs was that my hands started hurting. It'd be a different story if these blisters would just pop and heal over, but my skin is just so tender. Damn you winter and my skin's need for moisture!

Tomorrow we do Filthy 50. We'll see how my hands hold up during all those pull-ups and KTEs in that WOD!

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