Friday, June 25, 2010

6/23 & 6/24

I don't know why I feel the need to be creative with these WOD posts, but sometimes the "need" to be creative keeps me from actually writing anything. Thus, the lack of posting and the following two posts in one.

Let's start with Wednesday. In the morning, Melanie and I led boot camp together which went VERY well. We're on week 3 of the camp, and the people are really starting to warm up to us as coaches as well as each other. It makes coaching that much more fun. What's more, we did kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls as part of the workout. Note to coaches out there: KB SDLHP are one of the easiest and quickest movements to teach new CFers! And there's very few things that actually need correcting, the move essentially corrects itself just after a few repetitions.

Later in the afternoon, I headed back over to St. Paul for a good ole chipper WOD.

For time:
100 Double unders
90 Mountain climbers
800m Run
70 Squats
60 Box jumps
50 KB swings (26#)
40 Push-ups
30 Pull-ups
20 Overhead barbell walking lunges
10 Ring dips

I knew this one was going to be a doozie in the middle because it was very front-loaded with heavy leg stuff. Surprisingly, things didn't really get bad until the middle of the squats to the box jumps and KB swings. The push-ups also slowed me down quite a bit because I got very sore very quickly after Monday's workout. I finished in 29:11, doing "almost RX'd" - I had to scale the push-ups (blue band across a weight rack) and the ring dips (from a box).

Now onto Thursday. We revisited a WOD that we did way back in March at CFMPLS.

For total meters:
10 rounds of 20 long, slow erg pulls

The key to this workout was to pull really really really (really) hard and then release very slowly while the computer logged all the meters. When I did this workout the first time, we also pulled very far back, so that we were almost completely laying down on the erg. I didn't do that this time, and I was impressed with how close I came to my old "record" even with a different stroke.

Old total: 3233 meters
New total: 3223 meters

A good first week back, hopefully my drive to write will return along with this increased energy from coaching and working out again!

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