Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Slow row of death

A quick post to catch up on what's been going on, where I've been, and why I haven't been blogging in what feels like 2 weeks. Here's the short version: I went on vacation to Austin and Mexico to visit family, Ryon, and be in a wedding. Translation: I didn't work out, I ate ice cream with my dad, and pigged out on buffets at a beach resort. I've been feeling sluggish and gross lately, and it took all my willpower to convince myself to go to CrossFit today for a brutal workout...including rowing.

This workout was taken from the main site today. If you don't think it looks hard, let me just tell you that I puked after this workout. That's right. For the first time, I threw up (just a tiny bit, and I waited until I got home) after a workout...a little too much too soon maybe?

For time:
2000m Row
50 Wallball shots (RX: 14#)
1000m Row
35 Wallball shots
500m Row
20 Wallball shots

I finished in 30:33 RXd, a little slow in my opinion, but hey, it's my first day back in a week. I tried pacing myself on the rowing, but to be honest, I probably should have pushed myself to go a little faster. I remember my 2000m being 9:07, and I know I've gotten sub-9:00 before (although, we weren't doing more rowing or wallball shots afterward). There's a fine line I realized between pacing yourself and pushing yourself, and it's a delicate balance I'm trying to figure out for my body.

In other news, I coached my first boot camp class on Monday! It went pretty well and I'm anxious to get to know this group better and bring more energy to our early morning class. Mike and I will be scoping out new locations for additional summer boot camps in different areas around the Twin Cities when I get back from my evolutionary psychology conference, so stay tuned on that development!

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