Saturday, January 23, 2010

BPBP - Belated Post & Bod Pod

I'm technically two days behind on posts since it's already EARLY Saturday morning! A lots been going on at school this week, and frankly I've just been too tired after all that work, working out, and then cooking that I haven't had time to sit down and breathe, let alone write.

Here's a recap of what I've been up to at CFMPLS the past two days.

Thursday's WOD was ridiculously taxing on me as it included rowing and pull-ups. After the strict press and double under day (Tuesday), my shoulders, upper back, and lats were sore, and the pull-ups didn't help with that.

Thursday WOD - 7 rounds for time:
250m row
12 pull-ups

I've graduated now to the THIN green band, which is less resistant than the blue band. It feels very much like doing a pull-up without a band to me actually, so I just might get that kipping pull-up by my birthday like I was hoping! I managed this workout in 16:55. The rowing was actually what bottlenecked and gated my time. Oh, and the fact that I ripped open one blister, started opening another blister, and got a blood blister. Yeouch!!

Friday's WOD didn't have anymore pull-ups (THANK GOODNESS), but we were doing barbell work, and grasping the bar without wincing in pain was an issue for me.

Friday WOD - Clean & Jerk 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1

I used the method when getting my starting weight on this one where I envisioned what I wanted to reach by that last and seventh round and counting backwards. I thought I could maybe shoot for 95# or 105 pounds, so I planned on starting at 55#. There were a lot of people in class tonight, so unfortunately there were not enough 45# BB to use, so I grabbed a 33# women's bar, which actually probably worked better due to my ripped up hands.

My loads looked like this: 53 - 58 - 63 - 68 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 93

I ended up doing a bonus 93# round again because I thought the form on my first try was really crappy - too much pushing the bar overhead and not enough dropping my body and displacing it beneath the bar. So I tried it again and it was a little better, but the clean stunk. Oh well. In all honesty, I probably could have gone with a heavier weight, but my palms are actually what couldn't handle the weight. I just need a few days to heal and get back to normal.

In other news, I got body fat tested using the Bod Pod method today. The Bod Pod uses air displacement to measure volume and density, or some other physics like that. I was pretty happy to find myself at 22.6% body fat, considered on the low end of "moderately lean" for women (I mean, I still gotta have boobs and fat to protect my baby-making organs). I'd like to shoot for maybe about 18% - 19% body fat by the end of the semester, which I think is doable if I just keep my workout schedule and maybe eat less sugar like I keep promising myself!

Of course, the brownie cake Susanne made tonight at our apartment for her birthday didn't help...fourths and fifths anyone? Oh sure, I'll have some of that!

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