Sunday, January 31, 2010

Easing back into things

I decided Saturday would be my first day back at the gym since the awful stomach virus (or food poisoning?) mishap that left me sick and weak the whole week. I was feeling a little iffy about the whole thing when I woke up in the morning, but I chalked my stomach pain up to hunger pains and decided to tough it out at the gym.

Tyler had posted the workout the night before, which was nice because I could mentally prepare myself for what was to come. Sometimes checking the website isn't a great idea beforehand because it's tempting to "cherry-pick" a workout that only caters to their strengths or weaknesses, but I just like to check so I can wear the right the clothes (i.e., pants when there's jump roping, no whip marks for me!). Here's what I had in store for my return:

For time:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 Sumo deadlift high pull (135# / 95#)
1 round of "Cindy" (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats) in between

I thought I'd be in pretty good shape if I could get past 7 rounds, which is initially what I aimed for with 63#. I managed a total of 8 rounds in 14:22 and then had to stop because my stomach just started to feel a little off and I didn't want to push it. Plus, I had this GINORMOUS blister that ripped on my hand. Seriously, it's the size of a dime!

Looking back, I think I should have tried for more weight on the SDLHP. Even as sick as I felt, my legs felt really strong on that movement. I also was doing really well with the light green pull-up band. I tested out the blue band at the beginning, you know, just going along with my theme of taking it easy, and I easily shot up to doing chest-to-bar pull-ups...too easy. So I may not have a real kipping pull-up yet, but the strength is definitely improving and coming along.

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