Friday, July 23, 2010

Blog Category Update

Tonight was the one year anniversary of CrossFit St. Paul being open, and it also just happens to be the night before our Paleo Challenge Kickoff for the next month - perfect reason to gather on a pub patio for a few brewskies! It was great catching up and mingling with everyone in one spot, and I learned that since Mike posted a link to this blog on the main CFSP site, a few more people have started reading this blog! Thanks!

In honor of having more readers and the CFSP challenge, I decided to do a little more organizing so things are easier to find. For now, I've tagged and labeled all the recipes and categorized them depending on their main ingredient (chicken, beef, vegetable, or breakfast...ok, there's also a few sweet desserts mixed in...). You'll also find labels that outline the challenges I've set for myself (with updates too!) and also some reflections I have on workouts and fitness.

As always, I love to hear what people think and what they'd like to see more of in this space, so please leave me a comment or shoot me an email!


  1. I like your blog, Steph!

    I have to say, even as a vegetarian, I'm kind of fascinated by this diet of yours. Not that I'd ever make the switch. Meat may smell and look great sometimes, but the thought of me eating it grosses me out.

    But I may give this crossfit workout of yours a try.

  2. Hi Corrie! Thanks for reading and commenting! If you ever want to try CrossFit, please let me know, we always have a free intro workout on Saturdays at 10 AM. Vegetarians welcome :)
