Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Motivation from motivating

This whole week is going to be pretty coach-heavy for me, as I wrap up the CFSP St. Paul Bootcamp with Melanie and start the Minneapolis Bootcamp all in the same week! I also subbed yesterday at Teddy Kim's gym, Twintown CrossFit. But rather than be tired from all the traveling around and hauling equipment, I have to say that coaching is such an enjoyable experience and it has really motivated me to train even harder in class.

First, let me just start off by saying that Twintown CrossFit is another excellent community of athletes. My two classes yesterday were really big, and I was pretty nervous about managing a real group class with technical lifts (we don't do those in bootcamp). However, I am so grateful to all the members who helped each other set-up weights, coach each other through the movements, and then cheer each other on during the WOD. I got a lot of great feedback from everyone there and I am so glad I had to opportunity to coach at a different facility with some new friends!

Today I started the Minneapolis bootcamp and they were AWESOME! No, I am NOT exaggerating. This group of people came early in the morning ready to sweat and work hard, and I am so proud of them for finishing their first benchmark/baseline WOD with excellent times! As they did their last 400m run and I was standing at the "finish line" getting ready to yell out their times, those who were finished gathered around me to encourage the last few runners. WOW! These people just met this morning, and already they've set up this positive, enthusiastic, and friendly tone and attitude for the class. I could not be happier!

Now onto my workout for the day. We had a smallish class at 4 PM, but it was a bunch of great new "regulars," so we really pushed each other. Strength component was back squat and I teamed up with Beth, who did WAY more weight than me (way to go!). My weights broke down:

103 / 113 / 118 / 123 / 123

I probably could have gone a bit more with the weight, but honestly having that much weight on my shoulders is what hurts more than the actual squatting! I was super-stoked for this WOD because I LOVE sumo-deadlift-high pulls. Burpees I can live without.

For time:
SDLHP (RX: 95#)

I managed this one in 6:19 with 63#. I tried 73# at first, but after 4 or 5 I realized it would be too difficult to maintain for 21 reps in that first set. But then when I saw how quickly I did the workout, I realized I probably should have pushed my limits a little more. Still, I'm on such an adrenaline rush from coaching others that maybe 63# felt so light because I was motivated by all the great sweating I've been around lately!

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