Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy July 4th!

Quick post update and then I'm off to the kitchen for some fresh veggie adventures! Today we had one big combined class at 9 AM, since it was technically a federal holiday. It was great seeing everyone this morning and really feeling the energy in the room!

This morning's workout focused on three movements and was to be done for maximum weight:

Every minute on the minute for 12 minutes, do
3 Hang power cleans
3 Front squats
3 Push jerks

Since the class was so large today (more than 20 people I would guess!), we partnered up and did the WOD in heats. I partnered up with and coached our newest member, Charlotte, and she did an excellent job for her first class! When it was my heat, I loaded the bar up with 65#, thinking I would go up in weight as the rounds progressed. Apparently, that's not how the workout is supposed to be done. Rather, you should get a pretty good weight on the bar to begin with and just try to maintain that. For round 3, I was able to get 75# on the bar and I did that for a while, but my wrists started giving out. I dropped down to 70# for a round or two, but then finished at 65#.

Overall, it felt pretty good and surprisingly I think the hang power cleans were the movement that kept my weight low. Front squats and push jerks both felt really good. I've been feeling sick lately too, so I'm impressed with my performance as it was my first day back and I haven't been able to eat much.

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