Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cleaning Up My Form

After yesterday's super tough rowing WOD, I asked Tyler to give us a strength day and he happily obliged today. Fortunately, the 6:30 PM class I usually go to is relatively small, and there were only three of us girls tonight. So, Tyler took the extra time to work on our form for the clean, tonight's lift of choice.

Prior to the actual WOD, we warmed-up with "tabata double unders." That was interesting. Eight rounds alternating 20 seconds of double-unders and 10 seconds of rest. I usually managed to get in about 8-10 double-unders before whipping myself with the rope. I might not have been getting better at stringing my double-unders together, but what I worked on tonight was getting right into them. Usually, I single-skip about 10 times to get a rhythm and speed going, but tonight I practiced just double-undering right away. Pretty successful attempts, although I couldn't string them together as well.

Now onto the workout, after we practiced our clean form for a good 10 minutes and really talked about accelerating through the pocket.

For max total load:
Do one clean every minute for 15 minutes

The idea was to activate that "strong man" metabolic pathway where you expend a lot of energy in a short amount of time. Sure, you could start out at your max load initially, but you'd gas out pretty quickly. But, you want to be able to do as many max load cleans for as many of those 15 rounds as possible, to get a total max out. I guessed my max load was about 93#, but I actually got up to 103#...TWICE!

83 / 83 / 88 / 88 / 93 / 93 / 98 / 98 / 98 / 103 / 103 98 / 98 / 98 / 98 / 103

For a total of 1420#. Not too shabby. 103# was definitely very rough, and I had a lot of trouble getting my elbows up. I failed on my second attempt at 103# (after the first one), but I stripped the weight and went back to 98# and got one within the minute, which is why it counted. Furthermore, I did full cleans, landing in the squat every time, not a power clean. Yes, that meant I could probably get more weight up, but it also meant I essentially had to front squat that amount. I definitely feel much stronger on these lifts now!

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